Associated Event

Mine Closure 2024
26–28 November 2024 | The Westin Perth, Western Australia

Global Update: Geomorphic Landform Design and Landscape Evolution Modelling Workshop

09:00-17:00, 24 November 2024 | Perth, Western Australia

Event will be held in person only.


The workshop will provide an update and overview of global progress in the use of geomorphic landform design (GLD) and landscape evolution (erosion) modelling (LEM) in mine rehabilitation and closure. The focus will be on lessons learned since the well-attended 2019 AGC Geomorphic Landform Design Workshop, with a focus on our shared collective experiences to advance broader knowledge and understanding of the application of GLD and LEM inputs and application in post-mining environments.


Themes include international state of practice in GLD and LEM, data inputs to GLD and LEMs, and lessons learned.
In broad terms, attendees will obtain knowledge in the following:

  • A global perspective on where we are in different regions of the world in the use and application of GLD and LEM across a range of climatic conditions and soil types.
  • We are seeing the benefits of GLD supported by LEM work compared to traditional linear designs but also challenges around inadequately planned and poorly executed designs. We examine the likely reasons.
  • What are geomorphic principles that are universal and essential in any geomorphic landform design for mine rehabilitation and closure, how do failure modes compare for different designs, and what planning processes and understandings are key to successful projects?
  • A look at the applicability of different design methods and approaches from tailings to overburden spoils to legacy sites, what has been achieved in each of these areas, and what we have learnt.
  • What are the key knowledge gaps that cause GLDs or LEMs to be poorly applied, and what environmental and materials data is essential, useful, or just nice to have?


To advance the knowledge of workshop participants in their understanding of geomorphic landform design, landscape evolution (erosion) modelling, and the application of these tools to create long-term functionally stable, rehabilitated landforms.

Who should attend

Engineers, planners, scientists and rehabilitation practitioners in a position to engage with processes of mine design and landform development and request and solicit geomorphic landform designs and/or LEMs be completed for mine sites (current, future or former).

Photo source: Restauración Geomorfológica ®

Preliminary program*

*Program is subject to change.

Time Program

Welcome and introduction

SESSION 1: In Theory
  • Introduction to erosion and sedimentation processes 
  • How does topography influence erosion and sedimentation? 
  • What is LEM? 
  • Advantage of LEM compared to other erosion models  
  • What is GLD? 
  • State-of-art and practice of GLD and LEM  

Case study: Good practice in erosion reduction before and after application of GLD, using augmented reality tools

ACTIVITY: Build your own 3D landform and topographic map 


Morning break

SESSION 2: In Practice
  • Discussing and demonstrating a GLD workflow example  
  • Testing and assessment of designs (using LEMs)  
  • The sciences and role of revegetation and consideration of post-mining land use in design  
  • Application and consideration in design of tailings storage facilities (TSFs) and waste rock landforms (WRLs) 


SESSION 2: In Practice

ACTIVITY: Using materials provided you will be reviewing your mining scenario and taking your design of a tailings facility or waste rock landform and using geomorphic design principals turning this into a geomorphic landform  

Case studies: What goes wrong with landform design, why and how to address? 


Afternoon break

SESSION 3: Value and Future
  • Value proposition: ESG, social (licence to operate), ecological potential, carbon capture  
  • Regulatory responses towards GLD and LEMs, maintenance, liability reduction and management value 
  • Future challenges; design of waste rock landforms and TSFs for closure and mine landscape water management post closure
  • The economics of GLDs, misconceptions of value and valid issues
  • Design collaboration; building teams between mine planning engineers/engineers of record and closure planners/landform designers. Where are they applied, what are the implications and limitations?  

PANEL: GLD and LEM, what changes do we need to make and what do you consider to be fatal flaws, knowledge gaps, areas for further investigation? 

Workshop close

Workshop presenters

Gregory Hancock
Associate Professor
The University of Newcastle

Greg is a mine rehabilitation professional who has worked in the area for over 25 years. Greg has expertise in the use of computer-based landscape evolution models; in particular, SIBERIA and CAESAR models. He has worked across a wide range of projects, sites and climates both in Australia and internationally for government agencies, mining companies and consultancies. The application and demonstration of the SIBERIA model has led to the model becoming the standard industry tool with which to evaluate post-mining landform design. In his academic career, Greg has published over 120 research papers as well as numerous conference papers and industry research reports.

Harley Lacy
Director – Advisor
Mine Closure Management Services Pty Ltd
Workshop Coordinator

Harley has spent over 30 years being involved in closure and rehabilitation of mines and mine waste landforms. This includes applied research and use of trials on mine tailings and waste landforms to optimise design and rehabilitation outcomes. Among other environmental activities, Harley works to help mining develop a positive legacy for society.

Professor José Martin-Duque
Complutense University of Madrid and Geosciences Institute, Spain

A professor at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, Jose is pioneer of geomorphic landform design (GLD) in Europe and South America. Although he has worked and published on the subject since the 1990s, during the last 15 years, GLD has been the focus of his university lectures, research, publishing, training and transfer. He has led three large European projects on GLD and has achieved the recognition of GLD as the best available technique by the European Union for Mine Rehabilitation and Closure.

Dr Neeltje Slingerland
Mine Closure Practice Lead
WSP, Canada

Dr Neeltje Slingerland is a mine closure specialist based in Vancouver. Neeltje has published over 20 papers on geomorphic design and the closure of TSFs. She co-authored the closure chapter of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration’s tailings handbook and has co-written national mine closure guidance for the governments of developing nations. Neeltje is a geoscientist, a registered landscape architect, and has a PhD in geo-environmental engineering.

Chris Waygood
Principal Mine Closure Specialist

Chris is a civil engineer with over 35 years of experience mainly in the fields of mining and water-related projects ranging from large river diversions to water management plans. Over the last 11 years Chris has developed expertise in geomorphic landform design for mining overburden, and designing and constructing these landforms on many of the large open cut mines in the Hunter Valley in New South Wales, Australia. In terms of practical experience in Australia and adapting the Geofluv™ technique to meet the needs of the local mining community, Chris is probably the leading exponent in this field.

David Williams
Professor and Director, Geotechnical Engineering Centre
The University of Queensland

Professor David Williams initiated and directs the Geotechnical Engineering Centre and manages the Large Open Pit Project at The University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. He has over 40 years of teaching, research and consulting experience, and is internationally recognised for his expertise and experience in mine waste management and mine closure. He carries out high-level reviews of and provides expert advice, opinion and review on tailings dam designs, and tailings and waste rock facility closure and value-adding.